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Insulstrip Chemical Wire Insulation Strippers
Insulstrip 220 - Water rinsable stripper - dissolves insulation - recommended for Litz wire and multi stranded wire.
Insulstrip Jell - Similar to liquid. A blob can be applied to the wire which may be set aside until stripping is complete.
Insulstrip Liquid - Solvent based, room temp. magnet wire insulation stripper.
AMBEX Metal Finish Chemical
Acid Inhibitors
Ambex E2021 - Prevents pitting and flash rusting when used in conjunction with hydrochloric (muriatic) acid on steel.
Alkaline Cleaners (Liquid or powder)
Ambex 20B - Heavy duty alkaline powdered soak cleaner for removal of oily soils which accompany drawing, stamping, threading and similar operations. Outstanding detergent properties.
Ambex 62A - Developed to prevent oil build-up on plating cylinders thus preventing the problem of emulsified oils from carrying over into subsequent solutions on the barrel. For use with steel and copper. Excellent results when used as an electro cleaner.
Ambex 62C - Similar to 62A (above) with the added advantage of removing light rust and scale from ferrous work.
Ambex 63R - Highly effective soak and tumble cleaner for steel and brass.
Ambex 215 - Strongly alkaline powder, economical cleaner for general purpose use.
Ambex 231L - Liquid with a high concentration of builders and synergistic surfactancts designed to minimize re-deposition of oily soils and to rinse cleanly.
Ambex 233 - High alkaline soak cleaning powder for steel, copper and brass. Designed to minimize redeposition of oily soils and to rinse cleanly.
Ambex 245 - Premium powdered soak cleaner for steel and copper work. Non-silicated.
Ambex FNC-1077 - Aqueous alkaline cleaning compound for dissolving carbon, oils, and coking from gas turbine engine fuel nozzle assemblies.
Ambex WOF - Inexpensive, general purpose, moderately high alkaline, soak cleaner for ferrous and cuprous alloys. No phosphates or chelators.
Ambex WP 2 - Highly effective, moderately alkaline economical tumble cleaner for ferrous and cuprous alloys.
Alkaline Descalers
Ambex 1-PR - Removes scale and rust from ferrous metals by soak, electro- or tumble cleaning.
Ambex 13 Special - Special, highly alkaline powder that quickly strips heat that burn from steel work. Also removes rust and phosphate coatings. Work acquires rust resistance.
Ambex 111-S - Highly alkaline barrel and vibratory finishing compound formulated to remove oil, light rust or scale and produce a moderate polish in one step.
Ambex 232 - High alkaline powder for use on ferrous work in tumbling barrels.
Aluminum Cleaners
Ambex 217- Moderate foaming. Good on oily soils and buffing compounds. Used at an extremely effective, liquid cleaner for buffering compound removal that causes absolutely no clouding, leaving aluminum surfaces mirror bright.
Ambex 222L - A general, non-alkaline liquid. Moderate foaming. Good on oily soils and buffing compounds. Used at low concentrations, remarkable long lived.
Ambex 230 - Powder leaved aluminum surfaces bright and active, ready for plating, chromating or anodizing.
Ambex 286 - Mildly alkaline, non-etch, emulsifying cleaner for aluminum and zinc parts. Good for oil and buffing compound removal.
Aluminum Etchants & Deoxidizers
Ambex 315DX - Acid deoxidizer and desmutter for wrought and extruded aluminum alloys.
Ambex 662 - Deoxidizer aluminum alloys prior to anodizing, bright dipping, plating, painting, phosphating or wielding with minimal waste disposal problems.
Ambex 821 - Grain refiner used with caustic etchant (Ambex E-1000). Provides an even matte finish without staining.
Ambex ADS-2023 - Acidic, liquid pickling compound that rapidly removes oxides, tarnish, stains, smut, scale and other acid soluble soils from aluminum and its alloys. Solutions are non-fuming and easy to maintain.
Ambex E-1000 - Granular alkaline etchant for aluminum with minimum foaming. Sequestering action prevents sludging and sealing of heating coils and tank walls.
Buffing Compound Removers
Ambex Soak 6 - Neutral powdered cleaner for aluminum, zinc diecast and other metals. Often used ultrasonicly.
Ambex 212 - Premium liquid concentration for soak and ultrasonics cleaning. Intended for removal of buffing compounds and drawing oils. Will not cause dullness or tarnish on aluminum, brass, copper or zinc.
Ambex 217 - Neutral liquid - excellent capacity.
Ambex 229L - Slightly alkaline, long-lived, very effective.
Ambex 242 - Extremely rapid, non-etching powder. For aluminum, copper, brass, and steel.
Burnishing Compounds
BC-23 - Powder for burnishing copper, brass, stainless steel, aluminum and zinc. Yields a dense foam, which prevents scratching. Outstanding on stainless steel and steel.
BC-172P - General purpose concentrated powder- excellent on all metals. Easily handled in waste treatment.
BC-176 - Powder that leaves work with an anti-tarnish lubricating film that readily sheds water and facilitates subsequent assembly operations.
BC-165 - Mildly acidic powder that removes tarnish as it burnishes. Imparts a beautiful bright golden finish to brass.
BC-168 - Economical, general-purpose burnishing compound.
BC-174 - Outstanding burnishing. Leaves a slight protective, lubricating film.
BC-174W - Same as BC-174 but without film so parts may be subsequently lacquered.
Ambex 16 - A "Workhouse" liquid that produces a high, bright, mirror-like luster on aluminum, brass, copper, gold, silver, and zinc base. It is easily metered into automated mass finishing setups. Provides excellent rust protection to steel work. Will not produce after corrosion on zinc base parts and will prevent the tarnishing of brass during long-time burnishing operations. Provides mild rust prevention to steel parts.
Deburring Compounds
DBC-96 - Mildly aggressive- used on soft metals. Leaves a polished finish.
DBC-98 - Moderately aggressive- used on soft metals and short runs on hard metals. Leaves a matte finish.
DBC-99 - Very aggressive, long life. Good for hard metals and long runs. Matte finish.
DBC-71 - Extremely aggressive and long-lived. Like DBC-99, only more so.
Ambex 0620 - Cleaner and electroactivator with periodic reverse current. Removes oxides, scale, carbon smut. Ensures excellent adhesion of subsequent plated deposits on alloy steels, iron-based alloys, nickel and cobalt alloys and titanium.
Ambex 209 - For fast removal of scale, smuts and phosphate coatings. For use on copper and steel. Not suggested for oily soils.
Ambex 234 - A more complex version of Ambex 209. May give better r results.
Ambex 237 - Removes oily soils as well as oxides and smut in one operation.
Ambex 901 - Moderately alkaline powder for electrocleaning brass alloys, copper and zinc diecast.
Ambex AF - Heavy duty anodic alkaline electric-cleaner for steel, copper and copper plated steel. For removal of stamping oils, water soluble fabrication compounds, polishing and grinding compounds and cutting a drawing lubricants.
Lacquer Thinners
Ambisolve 158 - Lacquer diluent used to produce thin coatings. Evaporates rapidly.
Lacquer Thinners No. 7
Lacquer Thinners No. 19
Metal Coating & Coloring
Ambex AL-CR - Powdered chromate compound that produces a conversion coating on aluminum. It increases corrosion resistance and forms an excellent base for paint and other organic coatings.
Ambex CU-65 - Produces a jet black cupric oxide coating on copper alloys.
Metal Stripping (For plated work)
Metalx Nickel strippers - For fast removal of nickel from steel, copper, brass, zinc, diecast, silver, gold, tin, aluminum, lead, and lead alloys.
Metalx Copper strippers - One component, long life, powder.
Ambex 96RS - Activates nitric acid for stripping nickel from stainless steel racks
Ambex 3049 - Powder for stripping copper and brass from nickel.
Paint and Lacquer Strippers
Coldstrip 300 - Neutral, methylene chloride-based stripper that strips most organic coatings. Contains no phenol or organic acids. Does not harm aluminum.
Coldstrip 306 - Highly effective methylene chloride-based stripper that has excellent rinsing properties. Contains no phenol or cresylic acids.
Coldstrip 65P - Excellent rinsing properties and extremely potent stripping ability. May corrode metallic substrates.
Coldstrip 900 - A balanced formulation that is only slightly corrosive to metals while affording excellent stripping of most organic coatings.
Phosphatizing Cleaners
Ambiphos 21 - Liquid compound that cleans and produces an iridescent iron phosphate coating on steel and cast iron in a single operation.
Ambiphos 100 - details coming.
Rust Preventatives
Ambex 2-RP - Powder used in final rinse.
Ambex 83-RP - Gives mild rust protection on work while in manufacture. suggest for use in the final rinse after cleaning and before drying. Will not leave any noticeable residue, but will give several weeks of dry storage or handling.
Ambex RI-105 - Provides a thin, dry film on ferrous alloy parts to protect them from rusting or oxidation during temporary storage or handling.
Ambex RP-5 - Nitrite free. Gives mild rust protection on work while in manufacture. Suggested for use in the final rinse after cleaning and before drying.
Spray Cleaners - Low Foam
AC-200LF - Moderately high alkaline liquid that may be used on almost all metals. Mildly aggressive toward aluminum. Extremely low foaming. May be used under very high agitation.
Ambex 207 - Low foam, high alkaline, powdered spray cleaner that removes oxides and rust as well as oil.
Ambex 223LF - Neutral, highly concentrated, liquid for all metals that leaves work "squeaky clean".
Ambex 224LF - High alkaline, liquid spray cleaner for ferrous alloys and copper.
Ambex 228LF - General purpose, highly concentrated, liquid alkaline cleaner.
Ambex 241 - Alkaline liquid for ferrous and cuprous alloys. Floats oily soils so they may be skimmed. Rust inhibiting and extremely low foaming.
Ambex 252 - Totally non-emulsifying, oil separating, non-foaming powdered spray cleaner.
Ambex 1709P - For removing machining oils from ferrous work. Oil displacing, non-emulsifying, rust inhibiting, highly concentrated.
Ambex 3242 - Low foam, moderately alkaline, general-purpose cleaner.
Tarnish Inhibitors
Ambex 1743 - Very effective tarnish inhibitor for copper, brass, cadmium, silver, chromium, steel, nickel and zinc. May be used in final rinse or on packaging. May be mixed with lacquer.
Tarnish, Scale & Rust Removers (Pickling Compounds)
Ambex AS-1 - Dry acid powder for replacement of liquid acids in plating rooms. Gives better adhesion, higher uniformity and depth of color. Speeds metal plating by cleaning and activating surfaces. Conveniently and safely handled. No acid fumes.
Ambex AS-98 - Dry acid powder attacks rust and scale on ferrous work while retarding attack on base metal. Excellent smut remover. May be used with direct current. May be used in barrel, rack or basket plating operations.
Ambex PC-37 - Acidic liquid designed to remove stains, rust, smut and light scale and rust and to brighten ferrous work. It contains an additive to prevent rust after cleaning.
Ambex 40D - Mildly acidic tumbling compound for brightening brass and copper work to a golden yellow suitable for immediate plating or lacquering.
Ambex PC-40 - Nonfuming, acidic bright dip for copper and brass that leaves work brilliantly bright. Solutions are stable and easy to maintain.
Ambex SR-201 - Liquid polishing compound for brightening steel and stainless steel. Aids in removal of temper scale and rust. Good for tarnish removal and brightening of non-ferrous parts and castings.
Furniture Restoration Products
Paint & Lacquer Strippers
Coldstrip and Strip Jell paint and lacquer strippers - A wide selection of strippers for professional furniture refinisher.
Coldstrip 280 - Basic methylene chloride-based tank stripper.
Coldstrip 280P - Basic methylene chloride-based tank stripper with evaporation retardant. May be used in "flow-over" stripping as well.
Coldstrip 281 - Tank stripper with activator and evaporation retardant.
Coldstrip 3108 - Tank "flow-over" stripper that is water rinsible and remains moist for extended periods.
Strip Jell 279 - Gelled to cling to vertical surfaces.
Transportation Cleaners
Truck Wash 3258 - One and two-step car and truck wash. This system really removes road film. Highly concentrated to allow 40:1 dilution ratio, thus providing maximum economy.
Aluminum Truck Wash - A liquid spray wash for aluminum trailers that imparts a bright clean finish to aluminum truck trailers.
Concrete Truck Wash - Removes concrete spatter with virtually no attack on paint or metal.
Maintenance Chemicals
Powerwash Cleaners
Blue Butyl - Moderately high alkaline butyl formula for enhanced cleaning. Available in jugs, pails and drums.
Blue Butyl Plus - Highly alkaline version. Use with caution on painted surfaces.
Janitorial Cleaners
GPC-282 - Heavy-duty liquid cleaner. Particularly suited for oily soils.
NC-1 - Light-neutral cleaner for regular janitorial maintenance.
NC-1744 - Heavy duty neutral cleaner that meets government specifications.
WS-89 - Non-ammoniated heavy duty was strip.
Hood & Oven Cleaners
Gammatch - Cleaner for restaurant ovens and hoods.
Kling-On - Thickened formulation that clings to hoods while dissolving oily residue.